Black Bullet News in 2004

News January 2004

January 13: Black Bullet The Article!
An exclusive article on Black Bullet has been written by a brand new English rock site & e-zine about the modern & classic rock! This is the introduction to the article:

Finally make an article on a big, promising band. This is a article on Black Bullet, an awesome band from The Netherlands. Lastrockshow goes in debth of what Black Bullet are and what they are capable of fireing up out of their rocking instruments. Take a moment to look at the article and find out who exactly BLACK BULLET really are!!

Click on the logo to read the full article

January 16: MEZZ Breda Gig Report
The Show @Mezz last night was really one of the coolest things to do. Everything went pretty well and we really had a great backstage with lots of beer & fun.. (hey bas :D)Thanx to Ben Tha Man for taking us back to the railway station and for making some awesome pics! Check them out @the Pictures page.. more pics will be online!

January 30: Raise Your Fist
Last couple of weeks I`ve been busy with organizing a metalfest together with Ralf Wedage. The fest will take place in The Music Temple, Roosendaal at 25 April 2004. We have already booked some great bands like Liftid (they also played at Pinkpop last year!), The Inaxy and F.R.E.U.D. The Nobodies will also play at the fest plus many others.. I`ve have build a website for Raise Your Fist fest and it will go online very soon, It will contain all the info you need and also some mp3`s from the bands that will play @RYF! As soon as the website goes online I will post the link here.. so be ready for the madness! ;) Rock On!

Finally the interview that Bas, Ralf and I did with BN De Stem about the debut album of The Nobodies is now online. Check de News-page to read it!

News February 2004

February 04: RYF-fest website online!
The Raise Your Fist site where I`ve been working on is now online! Check it out and leave a messege

News March 2004

March 13: Noukfest Gig Report
Last night The Nobodies played a special gig for Anouk`s birthday in Het Verkadehuis in Roosendaal. We played 3 times during the night, everytime 15 or 20 minutes. Martin also joined us on the stage to play some songs. We had a really good time with lots of fun and (too) much beer hehe.. anyway Happy Birthday Anouk! and everyone who didn`t saw us last night can see us next week @the Elemental Fest in Zevenbergen.

March 21: Elemental Fest Gig Report
Damn.. what a night :).. to be honest I have to say that the sound during some songs was pretty bad becouse the amount of "feedback" that the amps gave was abnormal :) it felt like an UFO was going to land hehe. BUT! the audience was really GREAT.. I saw some great moshpits and it seemed like everybody enjoyed the show. Especially during "Feed Me".. complete madness! btw.. Paul and Freek from MCD, you dudes rock! and I would like to thank Simone the roadie :P and Anouk for making some cool pics.. check them out on the Picture page! and everybody else who came to see the show.. thanx!

News April 2004

April 04: "Tequila" on the Raise Your Fist Album
Black Bullet`s song Tequila from the demo Burnin` Desire To Play With Fire will be featured on the Raise Your Fist collection album named Collection Of Madness. This is a limited edition CD with songs from Liftid, The Inaxy, F.R.E.U.D., The Nobodies, Caldera, MCD, SX and Black Bullet. To get a copy of the album for your self go to the Raise Your Fist festival, `cause every 10th visitor will get this album for free! More info about the album, like the full tracklisting etc. will be posted soon at

April 17: De Roosendaalse Bode interview
This weeks frontpage of De Roosendaalse Bode has been covered by a huge interview that Ralf and I did last week. The interview is about the Raise Your Fist fest and it contains a lot of info about the bands and how we have organized the festival.

April 18: Opblaaspop Gig Report
Last night The Nobodies played in Sas van Gent at Opblaaspop festival. The gig went really great and the audience was even greater.. nice moshpits and even a stage dive hehe.. thanx to everyone who came to see us! and one more thing: Sas van Gent ROCKS! really really friendly people there.. check out the pics at the Picture-page, but be careful.. some of those are XXX-rated.. hehe

April 26: Raise Your Fist Gig Report
The Nobodies gig at Raise Your Fist was damn cool.. it`s always cool to play in RSD, the hometown. it was pretty cool to see how many people actually could sing the songs :).. and also thanx to you all for those great moshpits! very very nice :P.. This was the first Raise Your Fist fest that Ralf and I had organized together and it was really a great day.. I really enjoyed the performences of F.R.E.U.D. and Lifted.. they really had a great show!.. Caldera kicked ass usual and MCD played one of their last gigs.. and that`s really a shame `cause they really rock! I couldn`t see all the bands but those one I saw were really cool and I would like to thank all the bands that played at Raise Your Fist and everyone who showed up to see all these band.. THANX!! see ya all next time!

News June 2004

June 17: WTF? Black Bullet debut album?
Yeah.. Last couple of weeks/months I`ve started writing songs for a next Black Bullet release. So far there are enough songs written for a full album! Anyway.. lots of these songs are in pre-pre-production and there`s a lot to be done BUT there are there! During this summer I will invite some musicians to join the project (as soon as I know the full line-up I`ll let you know)to learn to play the songs so that recordings can start. The whole proces will take a LONG time! so don`t expect anything soon.. just want to let you know that this little BB-thing ain`t dead yet! Rock On!

News July 2004

July 15: The Nobodies split up!
After playing 1 full year with The Nobodies and having a really great time & gigs, we dicided that it was the time to split up.. everybody is going on with making music. I`m gonna spend all my time now on Black Bullet and Ralf & Bas from The Nobodies will join Black Bullet so that we start again with something totally new.. So Black Bullet is from now on not longer a solo project.. we will start practicing asap. Keep ckecking this site for the latest news!

The Nobodies Goodbye word (Dutch):
Hallo allemaal.. Waarschijnlijk hebben de meesten van jullie dit al gehoord maar nu maken we het zelf bekend: The Nobodies gaan uit elkaar. The Nobodies was een hele goede/leuke en leerzame tijd voor ons allemaal en we hebben er heel veel bijgeleerd. De optredens waren altijd het leukste en we willen daarom ook iedereen bedanken die er kwam kijken en ons steunde en voor ongelofelijke moshpits zorgde. The Nobodies gaan uit elkaar maar we stoppen zeker niet met muziek maken. Spast zul je nog steeds kunnen zien bij FluFF. Ajdin, Ralf en Bas gaan het "Black Bullet" soloproject van Ajdin uitbreiden tot een echte band en met iets compleet anders terugkomen. En Koen zal waarschijnlijk bij Fear Factory gaan drummen, want de drummer van FF past nie meer achter t drumstel, dus Koen zul je zeker ook terugzien ;).. We wilden eerst een afscheidstour houden, maar Mojo deed allemaal moeilijk en daar hebben we toch van afgezien en ook een vervelende cyberstalker heeft de doorslag gegeven.. hehe.. ok nu dwalen we behoorlijk af maar.. iig we willen jullie allemaal bedanken voor een geweldige tijd! THANX!

News August 2004

August 19: Change of plans..
Aloha.. There have been some slight planchanges. Ralf, Bas and I have decided to start a complete new band and not to use the name Black Bullet couse it turned out that it`s damn hard to find a singer that fits the BB sound.. so Black Bullet will stay my solo project.. and right now I`m almost finished with songwritig for the new Black Bullet release.. I hope to start with the recordings of it in soon.. and I would like to say to all the singers outthere: If you are interested to start a complete new band with Ralf, Bas and me.. just mail to and you will hear from us a.s.a.p!

News September 2004

September 09: Download The Black Bullet Wallpaper
There`s a new wallpaper available for downlaod on the downlaod-page! it`s available in size 1028 X 768 and also in 800 X 600. Check it out & thanx to Pieter for helping out! ;)

News December 2004

December 22: Black Bullet in Pakistan
Aloha people... sorry for a long dead-period but right now I`ve got something kinky for ya :).. first the story. Couple of weeks ago a dude from Pakistan contacts me and asks if he can order the BB demo. Few days later I send him the demo and he reviews the songs that he downloaded on this site and writes a article about it. So Black Bullet even reached the Pakistan with a crappy demo :).. anyways many thanx to Savaiz Bokhari! Go the the News page to read the article.

Website designed & created by Ajdin Jasarevic.