Written by Gavin Humphreys
Finally Lastrockshow.com make an article on a big, promising band. This is a
article on Black Bullet, an awesome band from The Netherlands. Lastrockshow goes
in debth of what Black Bullet are and what they are capable of fireing up out of
their rocking instruments. Take a moment to look at the article and find out
who exactly BLACK BULLET really are!!
Some people who are readin this maybe thinking: 'who the hell are Black Bullet?!'.
If you are one of the people thinking that then keep reading. As this article on
B.B will tell you exactly who they are and what this incredible rock band can do!
Black Bullet was started by Ajdin Jasarevic (aka Blackie) in early 2003.
Alot of songs had been written and some music put to the lyrics, but at this
point Blackie didnt have any members. He got the chance to record his songs
in a recording studio called A-Tak, so he asked his friends to help him along.
These friends were Sebastiaan Lef?vre a.k.a Spast and Ralf Wedage a.k.a Emoh.
Sebastiaan Lef?vre was asked to be the vocalist and Ralf on bass. They recorded
the songs and then they all stuck together, making: 'Black Bullet'.
Being inspired by so called bands as 'Iron Maiden, Guns N' Roses and
Metallica' we can all imagine what sort of music BB can mix up.
Black Bullet have some awesome tracks like Tequilla and Hot as Fire.
Tequilla is sung with a bit of mellow feeling and some definate rock.
To define tequilla i would say it is metallica all over. Blackie (Ajdin) was
born and raised in Bosnia. He started playing guitar at the age of 14 and
he never gave it up. Too describe Blackies awesome guitar riffs is impossibe.
You can easily see that his insperation came from ledgends like Slash from
Guns N' Roses and Kirk from Metallica. Ralf rocks the cassbar on his Bass.
Also with insperation from Guns N' Roses and Metallica he can blast out some
backin bass like no body.
Black Bullet (named after Ajdin's nickname at school) have currently made a demo
called 'Burning Desire To Play With Fire' On that demo you can expect to see
Tequilla and Hot as Fire and many more.
Too see 3 guys who all met in a local rock bar called the pit, who also come from
2 different places of the world, join up randomly and knock out a awesome band
such as Black Bullet is amazing. You get most band now making a good band and
then all breaking up or you see some good friends come together make a band
and be completely crap (not mentioning no names: BUSTED!!!). BB have stayed
strong, doing a fantastic demo and some killer tunes! Black Bullet are not
currently signed to any record company, as the same people in BB are also
in a band called ' The Nobodies'. Which is another fantastic band but has a
big difference in the genre of music that black bullet has. As from a
child Ajdin lived in Bosnia up until about 9 years ago when he moved.
Ajdin lived life through the Bosnian war which kinda gave him a sight
on writing music, and playing guitar. You have some rock stars who say
they didnt like their child hood or it is what their child hood was that
made them become what they are today, I.e. Axl Rose didnt like being in
a religeon and living the life he lead. So, he moved away, met everyone
else, after a few mess ups gnr was created. Sebastiaan - Lef?vre and Ralf
grew up in The Netherlands meeting at the rock bar that one day brought all
three together to make a truely awesome band. Ajdin writes the songs himself
and then they all put music to the songs. Usually the time it takes for a
song to be written and a tune to be put with it is about a week, unlike
Sex Machine (the opening track to Burning Desire To Play With Fire) which
only took 2 days!!! Sometimes a song is written fairly quickly, but then
Ajdin doesnt like the results so then goes back to the drawing board to
work on it and make it 100% rock!
As before, BB havent got a record contract as of yet. But that doesnt mean they
are not a superb rock band. This band WILL be signed, WILL make it big, and WILL
bring back classic rock. Black Bullet has something about it that other bands dont,
famous or not famous. The 1st ever time i heard BB i loved the track, being Tequilla,
then listened to Hot as fire, and considering they havent got millions of pounds
or dollers of E.M.I money behind them, and aint got the special equipment that most
bands do, they do seriously kick some other bands in the ass! You know that when
your listening to any Bullet track, you are listening to them practically live,
thats how they play, no special stuff backed up their asses to make then sound
like rock gods, no, just 100% pure, and to still sound good when they havent
got computers tapped into their brains is amazing and pure pure talent!
When i usually get asked to write a review or an article on a band like i
have done in the past for numorous bands like: Spectrum, Joop and God's Creations -
i would usually put some dis advantages in there like have a little dig at one of
their songs and then see what other people have to say, but as far as black bullet
are conserned i cannot write anything bad. I know, i know, i have only heard two songs,
and when i have heard some more and if there is a particullar one i dont like or
something in a certain song i dont like, i will say, but i dont think their will
be, and if their is, forgive them, everyone makes mistakes: (Metallica - St Anger)
but we all know that their still a good band! But for this band, Black Bullet,
i actually contacted Ajdin himself and asked him for permission to write a article
on them. I sent questions to them, i researched there whole website
(www.blackbullet.tk) for infomation to write this article. Thats how
much i like BB and iam gonna be standing behind them every step of
the way because i want to be kept up to date with this band so that you
all can be kept up to date with them. Black Bullet are not leaving my mind,
and after you have heard some of their music, they aint going to be leaving
yours! Download the songs, listen to them, and if you dont like them email me
and tell me why, but i asure you, if you are a rock fan then your gonna love
black bullet and your going to be turning your speakers up full wack, rocking out
to this band from now and hopefully till many years to come.
I would go so far to say black bullet are the band of the year for me.
Last year was The Darkness but this year it is black bullet. And your all
gonna be thinking it after you have heard their insperational music.
And Viewers...............THATS WHO BLACK BULLET ARE!!!!!!
All Text Belongs To Gavin Humphreys and Black Bullet. All Copyright Stands ©